10 Hidden Truths About Friendship I Wish I’d Known Before

they’ll save you a lot of trouble

Mentalcodex | Julfi
3 min readDec 31, 2024
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True friends can be counted on one hand.

They’re the ones you can be completely yourself with. The ones who pull you out of life’s constant competitiveness. The ones who genuinely want the best for you.

All other so-called friends fall into another category.

Let me explain...

Most people in your close circle are there because of circumstances. Friends of friends. People you went to school with a decade ago. Or someone you happened to meet on a night out.

You enjoy their company for specific reasons, but beyond that, you’d often rather be alone.

These kinds of friendships make up 90% of the ones we experience. They have a unique hold on us. And that’s exactly why they can be so destructive.

If you’re not careful, they can really ruin everything in an instant. From that, I’ve extracted 10 hidden facts about friendship you should never forget.

Let’s begin.

1/ Everyone’s playing a game, whether you admit it or not.

Don’t kid yourself — “teamwork” is often a façade.

Behind every smiling colleague is an agenda. And the sooner you realize this, the smarter you’ll play, and the higher you’ll rise.

2/ Most “friends” are just convenient allies.

They stick around when times are good. Share your success, they celebrate. Share your struggles, they disappear.

True loyalty is rare, cherish it when you find it.

3/ They’ll keep testing your limits, searching for cracks.

Smile when they expect tears. Break when they expect strength.

Master the art of being underestimated. It’s not deception, it’s strategic brilliance.

4/ If they’ve betrayed you once, they’ll do it twice.

If they’ve betrayed you in small matters, they’ll do it in bigger ones.

Don’t waste time forgiving and hoping they’ll change. It only gets worse. They never do.

5/ Humans disguise their true selves by exaggerating the opposite facets.

Those who boast about physical ability are often the biggest cowards.

Beneath shyness lies a yearning for adventure.

And excessive modesty reveals a lack of confidence and a need for validation.

6/ The loudest critics are the weakest players.

Those who can’t execute become self-appointed judges. They comment because it gives them a sense of importance. It’s easy. It makes them feel like they’re shaping the world.

But they’re not.

7/ Once you make it personal, you lose.

Every great strategist knows that.

If you let your emotions mingle with your relationships, you’ll end up doing things you regret, setting off a chain of events that could ultimately lead to your downfall.

8/ Don’t correct them.

This hurts their fragile ego and shatters the delicate self-esteem they’ve been trying to nurture.

And they’ll hate you for that.

Just let them make mistakes and find out.

9/ Resist the urge to be kind as a default way of gaining acceptance from others.

Yes, that’s easy…

But you’ll only gather low-quality people around you.

10/ Stop wasting your precious time and energy on those who refuse your help.

Yes, it hurts, especially when you genuinely care about them.

But remember, you can’t play the savior to those who don’t even want to be saved in the first place. It’ll never work.

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