In 2025, I’ll stop trying to change my friends

And all the evidence suggests that it’s already the best decision I’ve ever made

Mentalcodex | Julfi
3 min readDec 22, 2024

Don’t use all your friends the same way.

Some are great at cracking jokes. Others excel at organizing things. And some offer a compassionate shoulder to cry on.

Like tools, you’ll keep hitting a wall if you don’t use people’s innate capacities. Sounds dehumanizing, but it’s not.

Freedom isn’t what you think it is…

Freedom is the universal desire of all humans, regardless of their origin. We all want freedom. But this blind pursuit is actually working against us.

That’s right, chasing freedom mindlessly is the quickest way to end up doing something you don’t like for the rest of your life.

See, the freest people I know are the narrow-minded ones. Those who keep doing the same things day in and day out. Passionate who have become masters in their field.

On the contrary, those who tell me to explore everything, avoid amalgams, question everything.

Those who don’t believe in “generic rules” or instinctive analysis because: “I can become anything I want…” And other pre-adolescent motivational maxims and fairy tales

Well, these people are the saddest I know.

The all-time greats have all done it…

  • Muhammad Ali dedicated his life to boxing
  • Abraham Lincoln devoted himself to politics.
  • J. R. R. Tolkien created a whole new world and brought it to life on paper.

OBSESSION is their trait.

These people could have taken 1,000 different paths, some less risky and more lucrative, but decided otherwise. They’ve spent most of their lives pursuing an obsession that grew within them like wildfire.

Born to be a boxer, a politician, or a novelist…

For the rest of us, we need to keep searching, experimenting, and figuring out what will work.

I know It’s not as evident, but there are clues in everything we do. From our innate abilities, things that come easily to us but are difficult for others. From our childhood interests, before being influenced by adult concerns. From what those close to us have observed.

You will find a balance that will make you blossom.

The relationship you absolutely need to grow…

Do you know what the best way to sabotage that pursuit? To chase every fleeting interest. And to surround yourself with soft people.

The way to reach your full potential is to find a mentor. A coach-like relationship focuses not on your freedom but on your performance in a specific area of life. A stern man. Almost like a father figure.

We can all take on the role of a coach for those around us. All we need to do is identify their strengths and push them to excel on that specific asset. Or at least, to solicit them when you need one of their talent.

This will not only create new opportunities for you but also strengthen your relationship

Like tools. Don’t use a hammer to make holes.

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