Putin’s Psychological Tactics: A Lesson in Power Play

Understanding Putin’s gangster approach to power play and how to apply his tactics in your own life

Mentalcodex | Julfi
4 min readJun 23, 2024
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In 2007, Merkel and Putin were at a crucial meeting when something surprising happened.

Konni, Putin’s dog, entered the room and began sniffing Merkel before leaving freely.

It could have ended there…

But Merkel later reveals what was behind this move.

Today, we will reveal how Putin gains a psychological advantage over his opponents. It’s a classic gangster approach, brutal yet effective, which has earned him respect over the years.

If you want to better command respect, you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s dive in.

Some Background

Russians are rough, down-to-earth people who don’t shy away from confrontation. Their leaders reflect this, with Vladimir Putin embodying it perfectly.

Before meeting Putin, every president undergoes training, knowing it won’t be easy. The Russian president loves engaging in a primal balance of power. And as a former high-ranking KGB agent, he excels at it.

But what’s the point of doing that?

First, it helps strengthen his image as a strong man, which he has carefully developed. Then, he uses humiliation and dominance as tools to destabilize his diplomatic counterparts.

Result: His fans love him even more. And negotiating with submissive individuals is easier.

But Putin is far from a brute. When he asserts dominance, it’s never obvious, let alone physical. He prefers to exploit psychological vulnerabilities.

It may be an unpopular decision they’ve made in their country, which he knows worries them. Or deep personal insecurities.

Former French president Sarkozy experienced it. Angela Merkel is no exception.

So, back to that meeting. What happened with Konni?

The Incident

I’ll give you some context.

A dog attacked Merkel in 1995. An incident that has left her with a lasting fear of them. Now you know…

Putin loves dogs. He used this as an excuse to let his dog roam freely around the room.

Konni, hanging around and sniffing the Chancellor, triggers Merkel’s fear. The picture below captures the moment fully. Putin maintains an open body language and a proud smile. In contrast, Merkel appears closed off with a tense expression, her gaze fixed on the dog.

Photo taken by Dmitry Astakhov on January 21, 2007 in Sochi from AFP

It’s more than a guess. Merkel WAS terrified. And that moment with the Russian president will remain etched in her memory.

“She told me about the episode of her meeting with Putin, which had left a deep impression on her.” recalls former French President François Hollande.

Of course, Putin claimed he didn’t know, and then apologized to Angela Merkel. But you would be naïve to believe that this was not intentional.

In the end, Putin won:

  • Dominance over Angela Merkel.
  • A strong negotiating position.
  • All without arousing public suspicion.

What lesson of power does he give here?

He followed this 3 steps process:

  1. In-depth intelligence
  2. Original execution
  3. Play the fool

Let’s see how you can apply these to your own life.

1. In-depth intelligence

You don’t need the FSB. People share their weaknesses for free. All you have to do is observe and listen.

What physical particularities would they be ashamed of?

What do they dislike? Why?

Show genuine interest in them. That’s how they open up.

2. Original execution

Embrace unpredictability. If your move is too obvious, they’ll be ready for it and expose your dirty tactics. You’ll have a limited impact and appear as a sadistic villain.

This is not a friendly battle. All blows are allowed. Target their blind spot.

3. Play the fool

Once you’ve landed a well-targeted and executed blow, your opponent will try to attack your reputation. They’ll attempt to win the moral battleground by making you the devil. If you’ve done point 2 correctly, countering their tactics will be a breeze.

Pretend not to know. Deny everything, and offer yourself the luxury of an apology, like Putin.

Without evidence, the masses will never believe such a complex story. For them, you can’t be that cunning.

Remember: The most effective psychological manipulations are unnoticed.

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Mentalcodex | Julfi

Power dynamics expert. I share essays and historical case studies about Human nature and its relationship with power.